OUTLOOK Another interesting week for BC weather has left fishing options limited. Every major system in the Lower Mainland spiked again over the last 5 days. Once again, our best wishes go out to all those affected by continued flooding. Our hats are off to all those helping out on the ground, and we wanted to thank those who took part in our latest Instagram auction earlier this week. There were some very…
OUTLOOK Happy almost New Year everyone! 2021, what a year…. It has had its ups and its fair share of challenges. We wanted to thank everyone who has supported us, supported the fisheries and made it a priority in their lives to get out end enjoy the beautiful outdoors while fishing in this amazing province and beyond! …
OUTLOOK Well, we are in for another wet one this weekend but when rivers have settled between bouts of rain, we have been seeing good fishing so we expect that to be the case after this weekend’s storm. The weather reports have been changing a lot over the last week but with heavy rain coming Sunday…
OUTLOOK There might be some sun on Friday but, it looks like another wet week coming up. This is going to put us on river levels watch once again. As the forecast stands right now, we anticipate there will be some pockets of time where you can get out on the water so be sure to keep an eye on the…
OUTLOOK We start another report off with our thoughts going out to all those affected by the major flooding in the Interior and the Lower Mainland. As anglers who look at water levels on a regular basis, it was hard to watch the numbers come in. We also want to say thanks to all at the Fraser Valley Angling Guides Association and all…
OUTLOOK We want to start off by sending all our best wishes and prayers to those affected by the flooding this week. Though this may not be a week to focus on fishing, getting outside and de-stressing is well worth it so if you need some fresh air and time on the water there are some options to get out depending on…
OUTLOOK It is almost the end of October and it looks like we have a great weekend of weather for both trick or treating and fishing! The rivers got hammered with rain over the last couple days but with cold nights and clear skies they should come into shape soon. Chum fishing is closed (see the regulation…
OUTLOOK We had some interesting weather last weekend. As predicted, the Squamish blew out hard but a couple of the valley rivers didn’t see as much rain as forecasted and though they rose hard they stayed fishable yielding some good fishing reports. Matt apologizes for being a little off in his prediction on the Chilliwack in the video version of the report but, one thing he did get…
OUTLOOK If you haven’t looked out the window today there is a big weather system coming today and Saturday with 25 mm+ forecast up the valley and 50mm + forecast up Sea to Sky way and, unfortunately, we are expecting blowouts on our major river systems. Fishing has been good for chinook and coho prior to this weather and we have details on the Harrison, Chilliwack,…
OUTLOOK River salmon fishing is in full swing. After last week’s rain and the rivers settled, we had good reports from all major systems. We have details below in our freshwater fishing reports section but, in a nut shell, it’s go time. If you’re heading out of town this weekend for Thanksgiving, we have heard some good reports from the lakes in the interior. Sterling is heading up for a trip this weekend and has a…
OUTLOOK October is here! We have been hearing great reports but, the weather has been interesting over the last two days. All that rain yesterday hit our rivers and they have spiked. We are writing the report late Thursday so keep an eye on things because we are hopeful that things drop fast and there will be some great fishing into the back end of the weekend. In this week’s…
OUTLOOK River salmon season is in full swing. We have been hearing good reports from the Vedder and Capilano this week. We have also seen some interesting numbers in the Albion test fishery on the Fraser. Chum numbers in the test sets are picking up so we should see those fish show up in the Harrison, Stave, Vedder and other Fraser tributaries over the next…
OUTLOOK Fall is coming. There is a bite in the air and we have the first big storm of the season forecast for today. With it, we expect fall salmon fishing in our rivers to really ramp up. Harrison, Capilano, Chilliwack, and systems up the Sea to Sky highway will be worth looking at after things settle with the rain. It will only be a…
OUTLOOK The first week of September is in the books and everyone is settling into Fall routines. We’re looking forward to getting back into the classroom this Fall with our upcoming courses here at the shop. On the fishing front, there were some openings in the last week for pink salmon so be sure to check out those…
OUTLOOK Welcome to September! Summer just flew by – who can believe that school is just round the corner. We’ll start this week with our saltwater anglers – chinook fishing did open on the first of the month even if there was a little confusion without an official announcement but it is open and Jason has details on what…
OUTLOOK It’s almost September – where has the summer gone? September is one of the best months to be an angler in the Lower Mainland. There are tons of options to get out on the water and the reports this week have been good. In this week’s report, we have an overview of some of the major fisheries so…
We were happy to see temperatures hovering within seasonal averages and the water temperatures on many of our local rivers are holding at reasonably safe levels this past week. The weather this week looks like more of the same. This weekend we will have a mix of cloud, a little rain, and some sun. Temperatures increase early next week but at least for now there are no more major heatwaves forecasted in the next 14 days.
OUTLOOK Another heat wave has been sweeping the province and with it a mix of fishing conditions. We saw some ok pink fishing up Sea to Sky earlier in the week but, unfortunately, on Wednesday the heat pushed things back into a completely dirty state. That said, there are fish in the system and Alex has an update in his report. Sterling tunes in…